workforce solutions to build teams capability strength talent growth

With access to our expert hiring advisors, reduce your technical staffing TAT by shifting all your worries in our hands.

Intudo can handle permanent or temporary staffing for you from sourcing, screening to selection of the right skillset, be it a team or individual performers.

teams or individuals, we got it covered

flexibility and scalability- hand in hand

Whether you need a few extra hands for a limited duration, or you need a team to take up your long term assignments, or you need people to onboard your team on permanent basis, we have a solution for all the needs.

Outsourcing your temporary or permanent hiring can save you from unwanted costs to handle operations not essentially needed to be done by your organization. Additionally, temporary staffing can save payroll costs and relieve you from being burdened with unbillable expenses.

We can help you maximise your productivity by focusing on your business outcomes while letting us take care of your staffing.

why choose us for your staffing needs

skills, technologies and levels we outsource

enquire now

Share with us your details and a few notes of your requirement, and we would be in touch with you in no time.